Ancient Ruins Hidden in Sedona’s Boynton Canyon | How to Get to the Million-Dollar Ruins
Sedona, AZ

Distance: 3.5 miles out & back (estimated)
Difficulty: Moderate. The trail is overgrown and there is a bit of rock scrambling at the end.
Sedona is known for it’s views, hiking, mountain biking, vortexes, and… ruins! We’ve spotted a few dozen on our various hikes here over the years and have also read there may be over 200 scattered around Sedona. In March we ventured to one that we’re calling the “Million Dollar Ruins” - because they sit up high in the rocks overlooking nearby mansions.
I’ve provided instructions below on exactly how to get to these ruins. That said, these places are sacred and meant to be treated as such. Please be respectful and remember to practice Leave No Trace principles.
Start your hike on the Boynton Canyon Trail. It’s a 7 mile out & back hike but you’ll only be going in about 1.4 miles before veering off trail to access the ruins. Nevertheless, if you find yourself with extra time be sure to explore the full length of this trail. Boynton Canyon is one of my favorites in Sedona.
At about 1.4 miles, you’ll come to a set of long steps with wood/log edges. In between the 3rd and 4th step there will be a small opening in the brush to your right - enter here!
If you reach a trail sign pointing you towards the “Boynton Canyon TH” then you went a few steps too far. Turn around and you’ll see the log steps.
Beyond the brush opening, you’ll come to another opening with an option to go left or right. Go left!
From here, it’s a straight upwards shot directly to the ruins. I didn’t track the distance on this section but I think it was ~1/2 mile.
Log steps with opening in the brush on the right.
Second opening (after the brush) - enter left.
Gift Guide for the hiker and outdoorsy person in your life. But make it affordable!